Details of the 1st Time Trial of 2019 (MRC 25)
The race is on the 14th April starting at Rhencullen Lay- by at Kirk Michael. first rider off at 09:01. A start sheet will be produced closer to the time of the event. H.Q. for the event is the village hall at Ballaugh and signing on will be from 08:00. Route is :- Start at Rhencullen Lay-by and proceed along the T.T. Course as far as Sulby Bridge. Turn left and proceed to St Jude's X Roads, then left again as far as The Cronk, where the course turns right and proceeds along the coast road as far as Old Jurby Garage wheer it turns right again ad heads to Beehive. Here the course once again turns right and proceeds down Summerhill road as far as the junction with the Jurby road. The course then turns left and proceeds through St Judes X Roads and onto the entramce to MVIC ( The Old Film Studios) where there is a dead turn. The course then retraces itself as far as the Cronk going through both St Jude's and Sandygate X Roads where it takes the sharp left hander onto the Ballacrye Road where it proceeds to the finish about 600 metres down this road.